Monday, February 16, 2009

Take me to your leaders....

I was thinking....we should get everyone in the House and Senate have them sit quietly for five minutes and then ask one question...Will everyone who thinks steroids is an important issue please stand up? The next step is very important so pay careful attention. All of those fools need to clean out their offices and go home. We need to be focused on moving this country forward, the economy, safety, Osama Bin Laden. Anyone concerned about who lied to congress about taking steroids is an idiot. 

This is the epitomy of the pot calling the kettle black. 

Government officials lie to each other everyday. If you want to be real about it start with cleaning your own kitchen. I am sure that if you look, you will find that there are more officials cheating in some way than baseball players. Which do you think really affects the life of Americans? Rod Blagojevich was trying to sell a seat in Government, Barry Bonds wanted to play baseball a little bit better....Um tough call here, but, the nod has to go to Rod. His decision can cost us jobs and change life for a good number of people. Barry Bonds will have fewer girlfriends, due to shrinkage, and an asterisk next to his name in the books.

We had two JUDGES admit to sending THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN to juvenile centers in exchange for 2 million plus in kick backs. They aren't even trying to say that Bonds took steroids, just that he lied to them about taking something. Kids in Pennsylvania are more likley to have gotten into a fight and end up in front of one of those two Judges then find someone to sell them steroids. Just when was the last time anyone ever met a steroids dealer? Even seen a steroid pill? Could anyone you know pick a steroid pill out in a picture? I bet you can find 9 outta 10 highschoolers that can ID a crack rock or pot leaf though. In fact I bet if you sent your average kid out to buy drugs they come back with cocaine, pot, or alcohol long before they come back with steroids.

These fools were worried about Clinton sleeping around on his wife and trying to get him for lying to them about it, however putting a clause into the contract that says banks had to use our money, that we lend to them (Wall Street bailout), to help us and not line their own pockets was not a priority. I suspect that is because it would have angered some of the people that line Congressional pockets. You know, that accountability thing is such a fucking anchor. I sense a pattern here though, Congress doesn't like to be lied to. I think they lied to us. They had to know that you always put watch dog clauses into a bill that gives out almost a trillion dollars, the loan shark on the street will be sure that you his rules. 

I think you get the point.

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